onsdag 30 november 2011

This time we take it slow S...:-)

John Legend - Ordinary People

Ola - All Over The World (One of his promises to me..)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z1GgEzY60GM

Danny - If Only You ( One Of His "Teaching" songs to me...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dChZmJTkdB0

Boyz II Men -  I Make Love To You (this lyrics is about my wishes....the dreams I have had and have..)

Wishing you a lovely smile day :-)))
I love u my friend...S, You have always cared about me, in wet and dry
I appreciate it

I love you my love P..
Hugs winky winky ;-)

söndag 27 november 2011

New day , new lies....new tv-music, new idiots

GOOD morning, I am smiling!!!!!
Went to bed to get a sleep early this morning, as a SINGLE woman....I am STILL single, I can´t be lured anymore. Someone on tv has obivously their funniest days right now, with playing some "nice" files between the films, in the films, small small clips, trying to tell me love, trying to make me believe that I still have something with Mr P.A or Mr Dance (original) Sorry to those of you who did never read facebook.com/sivan.bostrom, because this is a marvellous story.....

Jesse McCartney - Its over

Richard Sandeson - Reality

Two men interested in me in 2010, one of them left for my daughter Linette 17....LOL....the other one I dont know....let me laugh, but at the same time cry, because its disgusting. I am happy she is 18 in april....so I dont have to have respons for her actions, if there are any truth behind.... She is like a slave today, going home to sleep at 21.00-22.00, have no teen life as before. He has totally washed her brain, as it seems. Cant find any other story reasonable. She is definitely NOT a shy teen, the opposite. SHE really knows what she wants.

Now he is mos probable using me for the thinking idea, to put her into me, so that he can travel around the world with her instead of me, as I own the idea. My friend Stefan knows all about this, how they are cooperating against me in the house (She moves out in a week, sadly but a need for both of us, obviosly) Money and fame is more than a  mother, if I will trust this rumors. She lighted two candles in her room today, dont know why as it was 08.30 in the morning! Normally she sleeps then.

Sad, but not broken anymore, I am more lucky without these "men", haunting me around trying to get me sick so that the hospital can take me in, its a shame never seen before. Happy we have a law, telling I am deciding myself if I go or not.

Sooo Stefan stefan , I sur will go with you, lets see what is happening dear :-)
MORNING, first day of snow today in Östersund.

One more special "winkiwink" for the night (RUN, Sugarland)


Forgot it, did not check until tonight, saw a link and remembered. Goooshhh,....
The condtions has changed....dont worry....:) No more comments needed.
Leaving it in a special space, for you :-)
Unbelievable...I cant breathe.




Advent 1 (2011) imorgon :-)))

Hej alla advent firare

Kvällen har bjudit pa nedladdningar av en del Linux operativ system, ska prova ut en del har jag tänkt. Ocksa planerat in ett julbak med glutenfria lussebullar imorgon, far se om jag kan efterleva detta, haha.....(zzzzz....zzzz......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-) Ska ocksa bjuda nagon pa middag här,om det gar, innan jag planerar aka....

Kvällens grogg: Grönt te i massor :-) Behöver rensa systemet ifran diverse...
Kvällens maträtt:  Arets första Janssons! Wohooooo :-)
F ö, smider reseplaner med in bästa vän Stefan, kanske Spanien eller Italien, vi far se, annars far jag välan resa själv. Folk här kommer aldrig ändra asikt om mig vad än jag gör sa, schwissssssss, on the air, to the freedom and a new life. Must be best. For all.

Kvällens lat maste bli.....:


Önskar alla en fin advent imorgon, och behall smilet folk, le och du far ett leende tillbaka :-))))))))
Manga galna advent Kraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamar
(When I am at my best ;-)

lördag 26 november 2011

The thinking idea, written of me many years ago

Look, this is one of my dreams, to go by boat (honeymoon) after marriage in a train, where the man propose to the girl first in a train. I am still 46 years, I am still Sivan and not Linette 17. My youngest Elin, is 14 years and she is not Linette. Fantasia is also my name suggestion on the boat they have stolen, I have thought about it a long time back in time.....

I wrote an idea many years ago, about a connection between the stomage and the brain, so called signals, where u can count day by day through checks and controlling of the person, what she does, what she says, movements and others. When u move - the brain gives one signal, when moving a finger the same,  u can catch it by putting an electronic thing and an isotope camera inside the persons body (is used by doctors for other purposes normally). Day by day through studying the persons behaviour, you can easily read out the signals for other things too, it takes a long time but this is what they have done, and try to steal from me now, as far as I have understood, as they put me out.

Someone picked this idea up and have made research on it during all these years without my knowledge. Later they "forced" (suggested hardly) me into facebook, from a music site, and there used me and tried to convince me that if I did some things I would be able to go to Spain, Italy and US,Also France to continue my music production and much more....

Now of any reason they have changed their minds and are trying to use my daughter Linette 17, instead. They are trying to put my ID as Sivan 46 years, on her, she is 17. Its intended that she will be the one (even though I own the idea) who next year when she is 18, and can get married, will go with a man I started to love, at least this is the rumors. He must really hate me, and have duped her. I dont know, but this is a sensation and now and ahead I will put out the most of the things I am thinking on this site, sivanto.se, soundclick.com/sivan, and finally facebook.com/sivan.bostrom.

After a two year long "relation" online, he is accusing me of being a cheater, because others have most probable been filming me in secret from my bedroom. I can only laugh and say, with my low income it would be a joke to say that I had done any "sex business" in my apt. I earn about 7500 SEK netto and my rent is 6000......I have never had a man in this house as this is an agreement between me and my kids.

The one has made sites on the net, about my "sleeping", that I cant "get out of bed" and be a happy woman....well....if one cant sleep at nights because it is disturbing sounds, and they are using the electricity here (I proved that before on this blog by showing a temp counter which showed minus 37-38 degrees. THAT does not happen if the electricity is normal...also we have sensor based electricity in here so when  person comes in to the house the lights works - there between they dont. BUT, at nights the lights is ON all the time, fixed. Sometimes it is very hard to sleep because it is a stinging feeling all over the body. Also, to wait 2 long years for a man who never shows up, this can cause many tears and is fully normal.

My seenteen year old daughter has recently got an apartment from our municipality landlord (the one who closed me out for things we argued about 2007, a barking dog and chats with my daughter), in exactly the same place whih was my dream to live. My oldest daughter Sandra, she got a son, just as I wished 5 years ago...my friend Monica got a summer house close to the Storsjön lake, which also was my dream....so they 
hate me. Are u beginning to realise that this municipality is making me wrongs? Was I right all these years? Yes I was. And how can I feel lust to improve, when thea are never satisfied with anything I do. I am happy most of the days, I go out meeting people, always with a smile on my face, but I will never be enough in here. I am just trying to survive...

Its intented that it now will look as if I am my daughter, interested in fashion. SHE now goes on a fashion school here in Östersund, Sweden. Later they intend to go to Paris, Roma and US California, according to the proofs I can see in facebook, use all my ideas as I have been wishing.

I had a police report in,  for stealing of my music, and also for harassments and the things I am carrying in my body right now, which most probably were put in when I made an abortion many years ago....I know this doc, if so.

Later (cant do it now) I will put out proofs for people that I wrote this idea many years ago, and also I will try to daily focus on what I am thinking and report it here. Later look on the web and see how much they steal from me. Compare the newspapers AFTER I have written about it, Check the paper before u check my site, then u have the proofs needed.

And me? Well, they try every day here to put me into hospital, saying that I am psycho sick. Of course, this is a million trillion dollar idea....and I OWN IT.

I think i will get myself a lawyer now
I am tired of this using of my life.

Once hated, always hated, because I dont weep the floor with them. I am very sad of that. But I have my on body and life toc are, the only thing I have left. I am carrying that.


fredag 25 november 2011


Hej alla
Skriver pa svenska även om jag saknar vissa bokstaver. Vilken underbar dag, tacksam för att jag lever idag :-) bantningen gar förträffligt, alltid nagot, hahaha. Har tappat cirka 15 kg nu och mera ska det nog bli, ska försöka iallafall. Fortsätter mina promenader, dagligen, runt 30, 45 minuter.

IDAG  ÄR EN KUL DAG, har sett världens snyggaste polis...haha... wohoooo ;-)))säger inte vart men delar gärna med mig av mina "freak outs". Man fyller ju snart 47....sa det är bäst att passa pa att leva....kika gar ju alltid ;-)))) Kram ;-)

Imorgon planerar jag att ga ut pa krogen, se mig omkring lite, man är ju singel (iallafall in real, lol). Försökt na dottern idag men hon är säker upptagen med alla sina kompisar redan.

Har f f ont i ryggen och nacken, denna förb...laptop som jag maste böja mig ner för att se texten pa skärmen för....bättre med en staionär dator känns det som om.

F ö , har varit pa Ö&B och köpt en städmopp, och lite vitaminer, sköööön promenad.



Hej alla
Skriver pa svenska även om jag saknar vissa bokstaver. Vilken underb dag, tacksam för att jag lever idag :-) bantningen gar förträffligt allti nagot, hahaha. Hat tappat cirka 15 kg nu och mera ska det nog bli, ska försöka iallafall. Fortsätter mina promenader, dagligen, runt 30, 45 minuter.

IDAG  ÄREN KUL DAG, har sett världens snyggaste polis...haha... wohoooo ;-)))säger inte vart men delar gärna med ig av mina "freak outs". Man fyller ju snart 47....sa det är bäst att passa pa att leva....kika gar ju alltid ;-)))) Kram ;-)

Imrogon planerar jag att ga ut pa krogen, se mig omkring lite, man är ju singel (iallafall in real, lol). Försöktna dottern idag men hon är säker upptagen med alla sina kompisar redan.

Har f f ont i ryggen och nacken, denna förb...laptop som jag maste böja mig ner för att se texten pa skärmen för....bättre med en staionär dator känns det som om.

F ö , har varit pa Ö&B och köpt en städmopp, och lite vitaminer, sköööön promenad.


måndag 21 november 2011

Underlying death threats put out from Ginza Music and more... in facebook


Well! What do one say?????

Look here, what they are putting out in Facebook, after I have revealed the truth! Underlying death threats all the time, that I am a looser. To make it, they are using song titles all the time, as I have claimed before.
So folks, I suppose my daughter Linette will take over my accounts , and they will kill me. It sounds odd but she has made a fake site in facebook where she is talking good bye of me in a lyric....

Soo, I am afraid they will kill me,. look now, spread this. I have a friend Stefan, I will arrange a link to u all to him for verification if u wanna check it is really me behind the computer. I have a gang in the south of Sweden, they have all the copies needed for proving that I am the one who has written the idea about how u can see what  person is thinking. I did many years ago. Look the earlier posts.
They are trying to put me off this, just read below. Doing a thing once, twice, third time....it is temporary things, but not in ALL messages in facebook. This is called harassments of first degree, underlying threats. I have talked about them before and now they are desperately in need of me because they want me to give them proof in facebook,  so they can change the ID from my daughter Linette, to me, from me to her. Change the time table, simply. That all what was happening in 2010, will look like if it was her doing it all the time. And it was me! I was the one he loved, he promised me trips, he promised me to travel around the world with a song (Ola, Travel with me all over the world") I cant believe my daughter are doing this to me. She must be sick. This is one of the fake sites they are using, IF it is still left....below is the "harassments", and this is only two of hundreds they have made during these 2 years I have had suffered...


söndag 20 november 2011

How can one hurt an already hurted woman like this. Copy from facebook

http://www.facebook.com/sivan.bostrom (contact me if u dont see the page offline, e x u have to login to see it...)
zivanto (at) gmail (dot) com


This is a big fight about someone who claims he knows what I am thinking. The idea about to connect a device in a persons body, then via signlas and to check how the person is acting during a long time, one can read out what  the person is thinking. After this u can use movements too, when u check out the signals for ex. how I move my left finger, u can check how it looks if moving two, ot three. By observing a person during a long time (which they have been doing with me, u can reveal whats going on in the inside of the brain. I wrote this article many years ago after having been studied on the web. Someone stole it without my knowledge, and here all began. I was into a facebook group, they have harassed me all the time, making me believe that I am sick in my head and in need of a psycho doc! Of course! They want to steal the idea forever, this is a million dollar project! AND IT IS MINE!!!! 
They are now trying to put me off as it seems, and I have no rights to love the man I love even though he likes me, they force him to do things he dont want.

As many of u already know I am a singer, I am often singing in my home, karaoke songs
based upon Elvis. I have seen on youtube, when I have been singing some songs, suddenly they are taken away, very strange.....Now to the songs which I am claming is in use, pointing at me all of them. If it was a few I would not react but as it is many of the songs P.A was playing for me, and all the artists and songs I am singing, I feel it like if it would point at me. People are even trying to change my daughter Linettes ID to mine. (Remember I wrote abotut he ID card theft in my home, my driving licence) Last night I watched the final program of True Talent, a program they promised me to be within already in 2010. Later I saw an upnosed page at soundclick about a man who was in his bed all days, ok, ok, that can be a temporary thing, but....poiting too much to me and my life.
I have been lying in bed (ME, not my daughter Linette) because of my sickness, I have problems with my backside and hard to sleep. It began in 2002, when I got hormone problems...but have increased because of harassing neighbours and other issues. When I watched this program last night I heard most of the songs he played for me, or the songs I am singing myself here in my home.

  1. The sun will shine for u (P.A played it for me)
  2. A whiter shade of pale (my favorite karaoke song)
  3. Grenade (P.A played it for me often)
  4. I have nothing, Whitney Houston (Among my favorite youtube songs I am playing)
  5. The winner takes it all (A big karaoke song for me as I am singing, have it on youtube too....)
  6. Gloria (This song was played for me several times via radio from P.A) Is about to step up and out of the „prison“. It was already 2009/2010
  7. Emelie, Both sides now,(this song can be about that I am choosing side, right or left (all knows what I am talking about)

I suspect (strongly) that they are planning to use her, make it look like if they now are starting with her weight loss, she has a false ID here as I put out yesterday, and she is at the site for My Fight With Fat. He has now blcoked me to write at the site, because he wants her more than me, even though (probably him) he gave me so big promises in 2010 about trips, singing, love, summer houses and more. I believe they are recording my voice from here, in any way, mystic cars have been outside here and I think they are planning to record my vocie what I am saying and later claim it is Linette, as they now count with that i am going into hospital , soon. Suddenly they changed her look from trying to excercise to being a fat young woman lying in her bed all days (yeah she does, but she is out and excersizing every day, walks, and the gym) In Soundclick yesterday (they are using song titles as a command or to speak with people (I dunno why) they had a song called „Just walk on by“, looks like the same I got from P.A last year when he said to me „Keep On Walking“, he wanted me to loose weight, for a job....

They are playing (whilst using this electricity I have told several times) songs like „Big girls dont cry“, and „Smile“ of Michael Bolton, just now to keep me from crying when it hurts in my body, just to make it look like if I am happy and she is in the same stadium as i was before. They are taking things back in time, trying to re.arrange it, making it look like if it was Linette all the time. Boltons songs, is the songs I am singing at home, his soul album....

Because the one who is sending information to the other ones who decides this jobs, are a liar. He has claimed I am in bed all days out of nothing at all. NOW I can tell I am not! I am in bed because I am bored to wait for him, I am bored not have anything to do, I have been waiting him for 2 long years and I WONT let go any more. I have done it twice on demand....Because if this rumors I have lost chances to get this job I wanted so bad, because a liar have told the people I am not suitable, because he wants to go with my daughter and get a child with her. THAT was my wish! He is circulating all around MY life, it is not the first time......2010, my other daughter was about to perform in the local big new theatre here, I was looking forward to hear it, because she is a good singer and only 14 years old. Then he used ALL the songs there too, circulating around me, just to hurt me, finally in the end it was about that it was over between us....WHO is this man, and what the hell is all this about???

I suspect they now will try to change my voice in my songs, to a higher or lower voice level, later use my children to either stand for the music, or perform with my backing vocals. I dont know, but this is quite obvious that they are taking all away from me! Its easy to change voice levels on people....higher or lower! I have been fighting, and fighting, and fighting for my life, for my music and for a future of my children and I only ask if they want us all in a shame, because now they are forcing me to reveal all I know in how they are working on the web within this. We know the whole concept how they are using song titles, and all others......

I have passed ALL tests in here, I have shown u all that I can back down, i am strong, I am happy and today I am very happy inside, and feeling good! I did not in 2009, I did NOT in 2010. But today in 2011, I have taken advices from u all in here, I have listened to my inner voice, my heart, started to believe again in 2010, as I lost when I was a young girl. I have offered u all to make anything u like, just I was not able to let my apartment go away.... I could not of a special reason... The offers I have got have been so short, and they have made it look like if I did never pass them, the same they did the other day when I made an sms to P.A to show him that I am passing. They mixed up my phone,and just when I sent the mess, the connection changed, it closed, and a while later it opened again. U dont need to be a technician to reveal that move! So i have to contact him again.....in other ways.

I believe there is a doctor waiting for me, trying to psyhologically force me to marry him, and it wont happen, if so, love free relation, static, planned. That I could accept. But, for love, there is only one man for me. P.A B, östersund Jämtland. He has promised me a life with him, and I know he likes me a lot, I saw it last time we met. Just a couple of months ago.

Now the rumors says to me that my daughter is going to have a baby boy (the same as they did with my oldest daughter Sandra when I said I wanted a baby boy) She got one, and now I believe they will try to hurt me and make Linette pregnant with my love. I dont know, but it looks like that.
WHY are u all hurting me so much? What did I do? No one ever told me when to do things, and no one ever believed in me when I said I cant leave my apt. I offered u all to use me outside the house to anything u wanted, but NOT in my house. From the start I did not even understand where to go and how to go.....All this would be a secret if folks one single could tell me something they do BEFORE they do it, so that I have a chance to participate and be good.
I am walking every single day in the week, except for som days, I am also training inside the house, stretching e t c. That was the demand to get the jobs, and I have lost about 15 kg in 3 months!

Now I ask myself, what the hell do u all want more from me???
Why are u bullying people?
Why are u putting them out, after having been fighting to get one in?????
I really dont get this. I will never get it.
But, I have sent an sms, if it reached P.A, told him about all this, and if he would want to get rid of me, he would call me and say goodbye. As long as he dont do that, he is my guy, he is the one I love and the one I want to travel with....like is was decided in 2010. There is nothing more to discuss, the idea about that someone knows what I am thinking, I own, me Sivan Maria Boström, and no one else will be able to use it. Be sure.If they want to take my daughter into fashion in Paris, go for it! But, not with my love. Not with my property (the thinking idea). This should be for me, P.A and the docs involved, firstly...PSST, wanna say that I dont suffer any „need of control“, what u are given and whats thrown in your mouth when it comes to absurd things, yout HAVE to check out, as a parent. Thats it. So now stop all this shit talking and bullying, and get me a job!

Thanks a lot... (have been waiting a long long long time)
HOW can pople go behind my back for so long time, just to put me OFF?
I dont understand these evil ones...

Unpatient now, but happy that I made it, finally! =)
This man is not going to cause me any more heart hurts!!!! (So many nights I have been crying, ask my neighbours)
This link is to the facebook version